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Labs Offered Lab Analysis
Testosterone Analysis (blood) Total and free testosterone, PSA, Estradiol, SHBG, DHEA, LH, FSH, and DHT.
Nutrient Analysis (blood) Vitamin D, B12, folate, Iron TIBC, and fasting insulin
Adrenal Analysis (saliva) Cortisol x 4, DHEA + DHEA-S, 17OH-Progesterone, IgA, IgA, AB Gliadin, Insulin Response, and Cortisol and DHEA balance analysis
General markers (blood) CBC with differential, ferritin, CMP (kidney function, liver function, electrolyte balance)
Inflammation Markers (blood) CRP, SED rate, and homocystene
Cardio IQ advanced Lipid (blood) Total Cholesterol, HDL, Triglycerides, APO B, hsCRP, LP (a), Lipo ion, LP-PLA2
Thyroid Analysis (blood) TSH, FreeT4, FreeT3, ReverseT3, TPO, and Thyroglobulin AB/td>
Sex Hormone Analysis (blood) Testosterone, Progesterone, Estradiol, DHEA-S and SHBG
Nutrient Analysis (blood) Vitamin D, B12, folate, Iron TIBC, and fasting insulin
Food Allergy Panel(s) IgG4-Related Disease

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